ICT User Agreement

ICT and BYODD Acceptable Use Agreement

Student Acceptable Use of Devices and Information & Communications Technology

Parents: please read through and discuss the content and information on this webpage before co-signing with your child. You and your child must sign and submit acceptance confirmation at the end of this page. This agreement will remain valid and in place until the student leaves school and/or if the school edits the agreement.

For students

What I will do:

• Treat the school’s digital devices, applications and networks with care. I will use them responsibly for educational purposes and as instructed by my teachers
• Use my username and password to access school devices, applications and networks
• Seek guidance from a teacher if I am unsure whether online behaviour is appropriate
• Tell a teacher immediately if I find material or malware on school devices, applications or networks that I think is inappropriate, or might breach the Acceptable Use Agreement or a student’s privacy
• Publish work and send emails using language I know is acceptable in my school
• Respect the privacy of all computer users at school by correctly using passwords, and opening only my own work and emails
• Be aware that it may not be possible to delete items stored on social media sites

What I will not do:

• Attempt to bypass security or access banned sites or material while using school devices, applications or networks
• Download or install any software or store files on my school’s computer facilities without the permission of a teacher

Privacy and Respect
• Photograph, record, or post video or sound of teachers or other students without the permission of a teacher and of each person photographed or recorded
• Post or forward information, images or videos that:

- Claim to represent the school without permission from the principal (e.g. images of me in school uniform)
- Contain inappropriate or hurtful material about members of the school community
- Might bring the school into disrepute
- Could be used to identify me, my family, or members of the school community without permission (e.g. names, passwords, phone numbers or addresses)

• Join sites or post material that are hateful, racist, obscene, hurtful or contain inappropriate material
• Pretend to be another person when communicating on the Internet

• Break copyright law by copying and/or using another person’s work
• Present AI-generated work as my own without notifying teachers

Social media
• Access a social media site on any device at school without the permission of a teacher
• Invite teachers to join or message teachers on my personal social media networks

Personal Digital Devices
• Use a Personal Digital Device at School unless I have completed the Personal Digital Device Agreement and received permission from my parents and the school

Breaking the Student Agreement
If a student breaks the Student Agreement, a number of steps can be taken:
• Withdrawing individual log-on to an intranet and/or the Internet for a period of time as deemed appropriate
• Notify parents
• Guidance from the School Executive as to how to avoid future problems
• Steps as outlined in the CECG Behavioural Support Policy

Personal Digital Device Agreement

To have access to the computer network at St Anthony's Primary School with a personal Chromebook of your own, students need to follow these agreed practices.

I will:

• Only use personal electronic devices that have been approved by my school for use on the school’s network
• Follow all the conditions I have agreed to in the Student Acceptable Use Agreement when using an approved personal digital device
• Follow instructions given by a teacher about my personal electronic device, including putting away the device on request and only using approved applications while the device accesses the school network
• Ensure my device is stored securely when not in use

I will not:

• While at school, lend my device to others

Breaking the Personal Device Acceptable Use Agreement
In addition to the consequences described in the Acceptable Use Agreement for use of school computer facilities and external networks, students may be prohibited from taking their personal electronic device to school and/or using it on the school computer network.

For parents

Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement
I give permission for my child to use digital devices, applications and networks and I:
• Have read this Student Agreement and accompanying Student Acceptable Use Policy
• Agree to my child transmitting work electronically to teachers and having the work published where the school considers that to be appropriate
• Have talked to my child about safety, privacy and copyright concerns when using computers at school and home
• Consent to my child’s use of the School’s student email system and education applications approved by CECG and that consequently some data including students’ email account details may be transferred, securely stored and processed outside of Australia.

I give permission for my child to bring and use the devices listed above at school for educational purposes and I understand the school is not responsible for storing or maintaining personal digital devices and is not liable for damage or loss.

Write your signature above the line
Write your signature above the line