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Welcome back to Preschool for Term 3!
It has been wonderful to see all the smiling faces of the students as they have returned to the ELC for another exciting term of exploring and learning. We hope you were all able to enjoy some time to slow down and enjoy the term break with your family and friends.
Lots of our students were able to enjoy the Holiday Care program over the term break. A big thank you to the wonderful team who create and run a program filled with fun, high quality and engaging experiences over the 2 weeks.
Child Safety and Devices
In partnership with all state governments, ACEQA have released a set of recommended child safe practices for the use of electronic devices when taking, sharing and storing photos and/or videos of children in early childhood education and care (ECEC) services. The recommended practices are outlined in a National Model Code. The National Model Code is voluntary for Early Learning services while governments consider what regulatory reform around these issues is needed. If you would like to find out more about the Code – you can access a short information video using this link.
Along with all Catholic ELCs in the ACT, we are adopting the model code.
We are working on what this means for our service:
- Currently staff keep their mobile devices in baskets in the kitchen area – if they need to send a text or answer a call for an essential purpose they can step into the kitchen area, away from students to do this.
- Staff do take personal mobile devices on excursions and local walks outings for the safety of students. Phones stay in our excursion back packs or first aid bags unless required for an essential purpose – for example to contact parents or the ELC in the case of an emergency.
- We only take photos of students using our centre based ipads, where photos are uploaded and stored securely.
Please come and have a chat with us if you would like to know more about how we are implementing the National Model Code at St Anthony’s ELC.
Did you know all our Catholic ELC Policies are available for you to look at online?
The link below will take you to the website where all our Policies are located. The noticeboard in the ELC foyer also has a QR code that will take you to these policy documents.
Parent teacher Interviews are being held throughout Week 3 and 4, with a few interview times in Week 5 for the Bilbies class. We would love to catch up with all our families for interviews. They are a great opportunity to reflect on your child’s learning during the year so far and a chance to set some learning goals for your child for the second part of the year.
Children have brought home their Portfolios at the end of Week 2. The children are super proud of their ‘special books’ which we hope capture some of their learning from Term 1 and 2. We have included a survey in the front of their portfolios – and would love your feedback on the Portfolios and their effectiveness in documenting children’s learning.
Once you have had a chance to look through the Portfolios with your child, please return them to Preschool with the completed survey. You can either return them during Week 3 or bring them in when you come in for your Parent Teacher interview. We will continue to add to the student’s Portfolios in the second part of the year.
If you haven’t had a chance to book an interview time yet, please do so soon, as spots are filling up fast. The Booking link is available in a QR code at the ELC and was also emailed out to families. If you are having difficulties booking in a time we are happy to help with this. Email the ELC office for support with this:
August signals Hats On again for our Preschool.
Please ensure your child has a sun smart hat in their bag every day. Thank you!
Gastrointestinal & Respiratory Illnesses circulating the ACT
We received the below notification alert from the Children's Education and Care Assurance (CECA) about infectious disease outbreaks in the ACT.
We ask you to please be aware of any symptons your child may have and to act accordingly. Thank you. This ACT Governemnt website is a great reference point for knowledge.
Viral gastrointestinal illness (“Gastro”) and respiratory illnesses are circulating in the ACT community and impacting ACT early childhood education and care (ECEC) services.
To reduce the spread of infectious diseases:
- Children and staff should not attend the ECEC service while they are acutely unwell with respiratory symptoms.
- Children and staff with gastro symptoms should stay at home and not return to the service for a further 48 hours after the symptoms have stopped.
- Children and staff should wash hands regularly with soap and water for at least 30 seconds. Alcohol hand sanitiser is generally less effective than soap and water for preventing viral gastroenteritis but can be used if soap and water are not available.
- Service leaders must ensure that commonly used objects and surfaces are clean regularly with detergent and warm water or a detergent-based product.
If symptoms are severe or persist, families should seek medical assistance.
'A healthy lunch box full of fresh food gives your child energy to play, concentrate and learn all day.'
Did you know there is a wealth of information available on what makes a healthy lunchbox and easy and fun snacks to use? Below are a few website links you may like to visit and here is a great brouchure from the Australian Government NHMRC website. There are lots of things to take into account when packing your child's lunchbox and we hope these resources help to make the best choices for you and your familiy. Preschoolers have very busy days here and they all need fabulous, nutrient rich sustenance food to fuel their bodies and help them get the most out of thier day.
Raising Children - Better Health (VIC Gov) - Kidspot - Taste - Eat for Health
We had a wonderful turn out of families and staff at our first Family Faith Focus (FFF) mass last term. Our next Family Faith Focus Mass is this Sunday the 4 August, 9am at St Anthony’s Parish Church. It is a wonderful opportunity to come together and celebrate mass.
Family Faith Focus is about attending Mass with us as a community on the first Sunday of each month. Some staff from the St Anthony's Parish Primary School will be there to support you and lead the children at Mass in a Children’s Liturgy. Whether you attend regularly or haven't been for a while, this is a wonderful opportunity to engage with our Church and develop your faith and commitment to Christ. Father Tom is such a valued leader in our community and has a wonderful, gentle, and comfortable way of drawing us back to our faith in Christ. Mass usually concludes just after 9.30am. If you have time, stay on for a cup of tea and a piece of cake with us all afterwards in the foyer of the church.
Invitation to 'a Bluey perspective'
A free family event with ‘Bluey’ creator Joe Brumm will be held at Merici College on Wednesday 11 September.
Get in quick and register as the spots are limited.
Presented by Catholic School Parents Canberra and Goulburn with the support of Catholic Education, the event aims to bring families from across the Archdiocese together, to listen to Joe talk about why he thinks Bluey has been such a success and the important role parents play in their child’s learning and development.
Please let us know if you are having trouble opening any links or documents.
Thank you.
Click on your child's classroom picture below to see their class newsletter.