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Over the last fortnight the students in each of the Preschool classes have commenced visits to the Italian room for Italian lessons. They have all really enjoyed the fabulous learning experiences prepared for them by Signor Mockler, as they learn about the country of Italy. Signor Mockler showed the students some maps of Italy, explaining the shape of the country is like a boot. The students have also been learning numbers to 10 through songs and games.
Another highlight for each of the children was catching up with their Year 5 buddies. Throughout the year we will spend time with our Year 5 Buddies fortnightly. While there was some initial shyness, it didn't take long before the students were showing their buddies around our preschool and joining in some play together. It was hard to tell who was having more fun - the preschoolers or the Year 5 students! It is our privilege to be a part of the St Anthony’s school community and to be embraced so wholeheartedly by the students and staff at the school.
Parent Teacher Interviews
We will be holding Parent Teacher interviews in Week 8 and 9 of term for the Koala and Possum classes, and in Week 9 and 10 for the Bilbies class. Please keep an eye on Szapp messages in the next week, so you can make a booking to meet with your child’s teacher. We would love to meet with you in person, but understand that work commitments can sometimes mean this is challenging. To facilitate this we will have some times available for face to face meetings at the ELC, or the option of setting up an online meeting with your child’s teacher. We look forward to meeting with you all to discuss with you how your child is settling into their year at Preschool, to share our observations of their learning and also to hear from you about your child’s strengths, interests and areas for growth.
Birrigai Excursion
We are very excited about our excursion to Birrigai in Week 8 of term. The Bilbies class will be going on Tuesday and the 21st of March and the Koalas and Possums will be travelling together on Friday the 24th of March.
As part of our excursion we will be going on a bushwalk that includes some scrambling over rocks. To protect legs and knees from scratches we ask that children wear long pants with their blue school shirt, on the day they go to Birrigai. On the excursion day we also ask that children bring their lunch and morning tea in disposable zip lock bags or brown paper bags, clearly labelled with their name.
Thank you to everyone who has already completed the permission form for their child to attend this excursion. The online forms need to completed and submitted to us by COB TODAY. You can use this link to access the permission form. We are still looking for volunteers to accompany the Bilbies class on Tuesday. When completing the permission form you are able to indicate if you would be happy to volunteer as a helper, or you can send an email to the ELC office to let us know.
24 March 2023
5:30pm -6:30pm
ENTRY $5.00
For faster entry we are trialling a new system of paying for entry at the door via cash or eftpos (entry cannot be purchased via QKR).
Entertainment packs will be available and will be picked up at the canteen on the night. The packs are available for pre purchase on QKR until 9:30am on the 22nd. There will be limited supplies available for purchase on the night so get in early and pre purchase.
ENTERTAINMENT PACK = $8.00 (includes bbq, drink, lolly and glowstick)
Helpers Required: Please contact Maree in the Canteen on 62314022, or email your name & contact details to the office. Helpers will receive free entry for their children, they are able to purchase a pack separately. The number of helpers needed to run the disco are - Entry (2 people), Outside Supervision (4 people), BBQ (3 People), Canteen (3 People), Pack up (3 people).
School Fete
A big thank you to everyone for getting behind the Raffle Ticket sales for the School Fete. We have had lots of families coming in to ask us for more raffle tickets to sell. Should you require additional Raffle Ticket books, these are available for you to collect from the school front office.
Students at St Anthony’s are also being asked to donate items for some Mother’s Day baskets that will be sold at the Fete. Different year groups have been asked to donate different items. Families with students attending the ELC are being asked for donations of the following items: Washers, chocolate, soap, nail polish or face masks. These need not be expensive and can be small, any donations can be left in the basket in the ELC foyer.
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to Tarquin, Hugo & Anna,
Happy Birthday to You.
Hip Hip Hooray - Hip Hip Hooray
Children at the preschool are able to receive lunch orders from the primary school canteen. When ordering food please order Lunch (no recess) from the Early Learning Centre Canteen Menu only. Items ordered that are not from this menu list will be sent home in student’s bags and students will be given a suitable alternative from the canteen or our ELC kitchen.
The Early Learning Centre Lunch Menu includes wonderful options suitable to your 3-5 year olds. The full canteen menu is not an option as it is important that our preschool students are eating a healthy and balanced lunch while at Preschool and enjoying ‘sometimes’ foods when they are at home.
To order please download and use the Qkr! app. Once installed, find and click on St Anthony's Parish Primary School and create a profile for your child.
The Canteen is open Tuesday - Friday and orders need to be placed by 9:15am.